MV51 - Jonas Olsson 2022
Albar’s sculpted seat and frame are made entirely from solid hardwood using traditional joinery. It is available in two seat heights - 580 or 650mm. Treated with a durable non-toxic hard wax oil.
SWEDISH: Albars skulpterade sits och ram är snickrat av massivt lövträ och är tillgänglig i två sitthöjder - 580 eller 650 mm. Ytbehandlad med en tålig giftfri hårdvax olja.
All of our products are made to order based on your specifications in our shop in downtown Gothenburg.
We currently offer Albar in walnut, oak or ash. Besides a classic transparent hard-wax oil the ash and oak variants can be treated with our own “light oak” hard-wax oil or a white pigmented hard-wax oil.
Let us know what you need.